A review by egoubet
Biting the Sun by Tanith Lee


The most underrated science fiction book!

I don't think my Uncle read the book's description at all back when he gave me this for Christmas long ago when I was 12 years old in seventh grade. I remember devouring it and thinking it was the wildest story I had ever heard. Probably too mature for me at that point but I sure didn't care. I read it several times throughout high school and then it has sat on a bookshelf for years collecting dust.

I picked it up again recently on a whim and once again felt like it was the wildest story I have ever heard. We think that making things easy is the secret to happiness. That a world full of only pleasure, no pain, will finally bring contentment. Tanith Lee argues, quite convincingly, that what makes life meaningful is not just pleasure, but pain and struggling. The challenge of life itself is what makes it so sweet. Having everything handed to us on a silver platter may not be as wonderful as it seems.

Devoured it in one day and think I'll make it a yearly read now.