A review by becsa
About Damn Time by Nikki Lynn Barrett


Winnie DeVita has never really had an easy go of life. Growing up with her sister, Quinn, bringing in money as a childhood actress she always felt not good enough to her father and then struggled with her mom. Soon enough her mom got her hooked on drugs but now with a daughter, Piper, being raised by Quinn and her husband Tucker, she is ready to get sober.

Parker Hennison is a co-star of Quinn and a single father to Anya after his fiance, Leslie, died. He is struggling with what he wants to do with his life and whether he wants to continue on the TV show, Little Max, or put his career in a different direction.

When Parker and Winnie meet through Quinn, both are struggling with aspects of their lives but can not deny their chemistry. Is Parker willing to let Winnie's past affect his feelings for her and when it is clear how much pressure both are under will they be able to rely on each other to make it through or is it just another heartbreak waiting to happen?

This was a great story about second chances, following your own path and finding the strength within yourself to get through the hardest times and come out on top.

I could relate to certain aspects of Winnie with not feeling like you are measuring up and I could understand how her life spiraled out of control after that and it did not help that her mom got her hooked on drugs. That to me is so heartbreaking and it speaks volumes about her mom. I was so proud of her when she decided to get sober and how hard she worked at staying that way.

Parker was a great character who was dealing with his own struggles after the death of Leslie. I also saw resentment building with him and the pressure that he was under from her parents when they didn't see the same person that everyone else saw. He was an amazing father to Anya and was really trying to do right by her and that was influencing which career path he was taking.

I loved Quinn and Tucker in this book and how supportive they were of Winnie and how they truly wanted her to succeed and did what they could to make that happen.

One of my favorite parts of this book were the letters that Winnie wrote to the people who had impacted her life, positively and negatively. These letters were emotional and the author did an amazing job with them and getting you to really see the vulnerable side of Winnie.

I thought the relationship between Winnie and Parker was really well done. The two started off as friends and developed a trust before anything happened. They both knew that they had to be at a certain place before anything happened and it was super well done!

I hated Winnie's mom, Meg, and also her ex and Piper's father, Mitch. Those two were cruel and dangerous in their motives to bring Winnie down.

I loved the relationship between Quinn and Winnie and how close they got through the book when Winnie was truly able to see the person that Quinn was without the influence of her mother.

I also really enjoyed Parker when he finally told Leslie's parents the truth about her and everything else! It made me happy and I was so happy that weight lifted off of him!

This was such a great book and I look forward to whatever the author has for us next!