A review by readingwithrae
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall


3.5 stars.

i... don't know how to feel. while the last half of the book definitely enchanted me and drew me in, the first half was such a slog to get through it kinda soured the whole experience. i think i'm just beginning to realize that british humor is not for me and a lot of the "britishness" of this book just flew over my dumb american ass. the writing was trying so hard to be quirky that it felt super forced, especially in the beginning, and the humor itself just read as very juvenile? like there's only so many jokes about dung beetles i can read before i get bored.

that being said though, i will say as the story went on and luc's relationship with oliver grew, my interest in the story and the characters piqued exponentially. once we got to the meat of the pining fake boyfriend plot, i was giggling and kicking my feet with every little interaction luc and oliver had. and while i wish the end conflict too a bit longer to resolve than it did, i'm still happy with how it ended.

because i'm a completionist i'll definitely be picking up husband material (which is probably a mistake, considering how many people said it just ruined everything good about boyfriend material, but i'm a sucker for disappointment, i guess)