A review by vlaniganfoffimreading
If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay


This is a summer thriller that is right up my alley. I love a book that tells separate stories that are intricately woven and when it all came together it blew my mind!
Ryan Richardson has spent the last five years reliving the night that his girlfriend  was taken. After much suspicion that he was involved he started a new life, with a new name and law school. He’s a law student on a trip in Italy when he gets the call that Ali’s car has been found submerged in water, with no Ali. Instead, two dead men and a note. When he sees the man that haunts his dreams he knows his nightmare has become a reality. 
Somehow his new reality will include a young sheriff deputy from Kansas and a monster from Philadelphia who’s living his own nightmare. 

I don’t want to say too much but I couldn’t stop reading this one! This one is out today!