A review by amwhtr
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart


It is so incredibly frustrating to have a book that you want to scream from the rooftops about, and yet know that it's magic lies in the fact that you go into it without a single spoiler. I will try my hardest to rant and rave about We Were Liars without spoiling a single sentence. Because, if I do, you will hate me for it.

I'll begin by saying I LOVED this book. Not "yeah, it was awesome," not "book of the year material" but complete, unadulterated, forever unrequited love. This book had me in tears; it picked me up, shook me around violently and threw me back to earth. I cannot stress enough that this book is phenomenal.

Do you want to know how much I love We Were Liars? After receiving an ARC in eBook format, I then went and bought it in paperback just so that I could hold it as I read it again. It is beautiful. It demands repeat readings.

The plot is something I just cannot talk about. You must go into We Were Liars blind and ignorant. Yes, the ending isn't groundbreaking, and the writing style isn't to everyone's preferences, but a single spoiler will ruin the entire experience for you and you just can't take that gamble with this one.

The writing is so poetic, so beautiful and had me hooked. Short, sharp chapters were interspersed with fucked-up fairytales (the only way I can think of describing them) that will have you dizzy with anticipation. But if there's one thing I loved more than the writing, it was the Liars themselves. So completely wrapped up in lives of privilege, greed, confusion, cryptic pasts and iron-clad futures. Masters of manipulation, experts in deceit. Intricately woven tales of old-money and the deep rooted corruption that so often comes with it. I wanted to simultaneously hug and strangle them all.

Honestly, nothing any review says does We Were Liars justice. Read it, hug it, throw it across the room in frustration. Just don't you dare spoil it for anyone.