A review by rcrg
Birdie's Biker by Misty Walker


This book is not for the faint of heart! I love my MC's gritty but there were a couple parts of torture and death in this book that were so graphic, I had to do a little skimming. However, don't let this stop you because overall this is a really good and raw read. I get sick of reading pansy ass biker books and this IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Yes, Birdie was a bit annoying at first, but hey, she told you in the beginning she was a spoiled brat with no real purpose in her life. Yes, Loki was an asshole, but he made that pretty clear also. I did enjoy how these 2 clash and come together. I do wish the characters had a little more development as a couple, because their relationship seemed a bit rushed, but maybe they lived by the creed ... live fast, love hard, die young. It is a biker novel!