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A review by littletaiko
Every Note Played by Lisa Genova


Took advantage of having the day off to read the latest Lisa Genova book. I love her books and have been looking forward to the latest for quite some time. Once again she does a wonderful job of giving a very realistic portrayal of what life is like for someone diagnosed with a neurological disease, this time around it's ALS. Richard is a famous classical pianist who is diagnosed with ALS. Karina is his ex-wife who finds herself somehow in the role of caregiver. The story alternates between their POV allowing us to see their struggles, accomplishments, as well as their flaws. Karina's story had me wanting to shake her and tell her to stop being such a martyr. However, whether she realizes it or not, that is how she has been for most of her adult life. Richard is a jerk, but we are allowed to see the anxieties and thoughts that shaped him. This book does not shy away from the difficulties involved for those having the disease as well as those who care for them. It's very real and compassionate.