A review by robinlovesreading
A Mother's Heart by Carmel Harrington


Rachel met the love of her life when she met Lorcan. Not only did she fall in love with him, his two children, Dylan and Olivia, were a part of the deal. They became part of her heart and she loves them like they were her own. They made a wonderful family unit until the day Lorcan died. Rachel has now taken on an even stronger role for her children and she will do anything for them. One of the things that she considers is moving back to New Zealand, which is her home country and where her parents and sister live.

However, those are not the only grandparents that Dylan and Olivia have. Rachel considers Lorcan’s parents and their maternal grandparents. She weighs her decision carefully because she does not want to pull the children away from anyone else in their young lives. Their birth mother’s Niamh’s parents have very strong feelings about the well-being of Olivia and Dylan and are standing the way of any decisions that Rachel has in mind. Tensions rise as Rachel does whatever she can to keep everybody happy and to consider everybody’s feelings. However, Niamh’s mother Sheila constantly makes decisions that could be harmful but it’s clear to see that she comes from a good place.

What a wonderful story! In fact, this is one of my favorite books this year! Whether in New Zealand or Ireland, the setting is gorgeous, the characters are relatable, and the story is quite compelling. This is a book that makes you think, especially when there are so many individuals who have every right to their feelings and expectations. Carmel Harrington has done a superb job at writing a book that makes you feel for all of the characters and to what the possible outcome could bring. As a grandmother to quite a few grandchildren, I had a wide range of emotions while reading this utterly engaging story. For a dramatic read that will definitely keep you turning page after page, this book comes highly recommended.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

Please enjoy my YouTube video review - https://youtu.be/fe1GZGJKqqUKqqU