A review by beckymmoe
The Scottish Duke by Karen Ranney


Absolutely loved!

Lorna and Alex were absolutely wonderful together. I loved how even though she was more than a little childishly obsessed with him in the beginning she got over it and gave him exactly what he had coming exactly when he needed it. And boy did he need it...strong heroines FTW!

Their near-instant attraction at the opening ball was a bit much, but as it was necessary to set up the rest of the book I went with it--and am so glad I did! Lorna ended up being exactly what Alex needed to finally pull himself out of the half-life he'd been living since his father and younger siblings died when he was sixteen. I liked that they both had their own "thing"--his research with fingerprints was fascinating, and her continuation and expansion of her father's work with plants made them both that much more interesting as characters.

The secondary characters--almost to a one--were interesting in their own right, and really helped to flesh out the story. Alex's mother and Lorna's fellow servants and friends, especially Nan and Peter, helped keep me turning the pages. And please tell me we'll get Alex's uncle Thomas's story sometime--because that's one HEA I'd really like to see! There's just enough hints here to really whet my appetite :)

In the meantime, though, Ms. Ranney has a healthy backlist for me to dive into--the upside of apparently being oblivious to such a good author for so long!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-