A review by travelerswife4life
Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere


Travelers Wife 4 Life
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Line by Line was a sweet story with a compelling plotline. Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres to read from and Jennifer Delamere certainly emphasized why! This is the first book in her new series Love along the Wires which if I am right, she does introduce some of the characters who will have their books coming out next.

I loved how Alice McNeil knew what she wanted in life. She is independent, competent, and a hard worker who is great at her job, that of a telegrapher; a job that sounds like so much fun. I thought Douglas Shaw was a great balance for her, and I loved the tensions between them. It was a very interesting story to watch unfold.

The setting of this story was around the turn of the century 1880s and it was right when women started trying to have more of a voice in things, and branch out into industries that they previously had not been able to be in. I thought Jennifer Delamere did a great job bringing to light different aspects of the time and telling them in a no-nonsense way, just making them flow seamlessly with the story. I enjoyed this story and I am excited to pass it to someone else who will enjoy it as much as I did.

I give this story 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the fun & informative plot, and the theme of being open to what God wants you to do.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.