A review by karaisreading
Circe by Madeline Miller


i am convinced that madeline miller is unreal.
circe was a pleasure to read, from cover to cover. and what a pretty cover it was!!!!!!!
this read so differently from the song of achilles, but i think i enjoyed it in a way that i was not able to with soa. you see, circe is a female narrator living in a male spun world: relatable. reading from the very first day of her life, to hundreds of years later, i was immersed in her story from start to: not finish, so start to present.
i know little to nothing about greek mythology, so i was constantly referencing the little index/glossary at the end of the book. (thank you for that miller!!!!!!!!<3)
i also admit that i have never heard about circe, but i enjoyed her voice. it jumped up at me off the page. and can we talk about the character development!>!>>!?!!?
"i have a better idea. i will do as i please, and when you count your children, leave me out."

the one thing that miller has over any other author i've read is how she weaves and crafts the words on the paper. i am convinced she is a goddess or something herself because this is not normal!!!
the way she'll describe a certain scenery, or depicts a character, or just says something so mind boglogly insane that i'm running to grab my pen and my quote papers...it was just unreal.
i certainly hope that she writes another, because i am unwell after both of her books. i felt physically unwell in the best way reading this book you have to read it please it is so so UNBELIEVABLE