A review by malykaofhearts
A Fatal Affair by A.R. Torre



Pre-read comments:
I have read every single book published under A.R. Torre and am working my way through the authors other titles without a pseudonym. I automatically purchase and read new titles, they have all been great reads.

At the 25% mark, I couldn't believe I was still uninterested in what was in front of me. I put the book down for a couple of months and picked it back up in August and re-started. I still struggled through most of this book, and found the viewpoints and plot lacking the heavy hitting the author pumps out.

This was incredibly packed and fast-paced. There was always something happening and was never boring. As with all of the authors' other stories, it is incredibly well written.

I found this book quite predictable, and while sometimes that's okay, the journey to get there didn't feel worthwhile. We didn't get to understand the bond Nora really had with either twin and the love didn't translate. The number of characters and perspectives were too much, and I wanted to hear this more from the main characters' perspectives.

I will still continue to support the authors work, she's a favourite. This one just wasn't for me.