A review by give_me_kidrauhl
Boarded by Love by Toni Aleo


Trigger warning: rape, drug addiction, child neglect
All triggers mentioned above are NOT on page and she speaks about it in the prologue.
I mention rape not just because of what happend to her mother, but because the heroine says this about her mother's hookups
"She especially managed to pick the ones who liked to touch little girls, but thankfully I was pretty good at getting away. [...] But that all changed when I turned fourteen - my mom brought home a guy that did get to me. Because that time I didn't try to get away."
Legally (and morally) speaking it's rape even if she says it was consensual. She was 14 and I'm pretty fricking sure the guy was over 18. Also she now says she regrets it and did it because she wanted it to feel something. I know Americans have a specific term for this, but (being Italian) I don't know it.

-Like mentioned above she has a past, but has been celibate for years
-Manwhore hero, his past was mentioned constantly, like really, every time he speaks about a girl he says that he either already slept with her or that she wants to
-No om drama
-Ow drama:
Spoilerone girl tries to cause drama by telling the h that the H cheated on her, but it's not true; also a lot of girls stop her to tell her he's gonna break her heart/cheat on her

-No cheating
-Both celibate during separation
-7 months later epilogue