A review by mysticforestcrafts
The Cosy Coffee Shop of Promises by Kellie Hailes


I grabbed this book completely in a whim without reading the synopsis or anything more than the title and a glance at the cover.


I didn’t know the book was based in the UK so I had a moment when I started noticing phrases were different as was formatting but it was well written and once acclimated to the differences (single quotes for talking double quotes for quoting) it was very enjoyable.

I don’t always enjoy the fake dating trope. Here it really worked for me. It wasn’t just trying to show up an ex or a friend this was about trying to be self protective but not really knowing how to do it effectively. Seeing the characters learn to communicate better, understand themselves and each other as well as run businesses made everything feel “true-to-life messy” and beautiful for its reality.


I want to see a bit more resolution between mother and daughter. There are years of hurts to move past and so much to learn about each other.