A review by nverjudgeabook
All Played Out by Cora Carmack


Em's TOP 5 Checklist of ALL PLAYED OUT

#1 - Character Connection on a deeper level: Antonella (love that name) very much reminded me of Cora's MC in Losing It, Bliss. They both had such authenticity to their characters that I just feel in love with her. I loved her wild streak which she obtained from her Nell's To Do List at the beginning of her perspective. It was a way for to really connect with the other side of college life, for her to get her full experience before she graduated earlier than other people.

#2 - 'Hook up with a Jock': I hate the term 'jock' don't you?! I found that as you progress through the story, Mateo is nothing like that, far from it. Whilst at first I did think he was a bit of a tool, comparing his previous love Lina, to Ness. Which was the first step into using someone and I felt he was betraying Ness at the same time too, she deserved more than that. But I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, which I was indeed right to give as he was by far the hottest guy of the Rusk series so far... But there was such a slow burn of hooking up that it was both steamy and cruel at the same time. That's one thing I adore about Cora's writing, it's written to keep you hooked and you will certainly need to fan yourself every once in a while.

#3 - Steamy Romance: My oh my! What a build-up it was...the more times Ness and Mateo checked something of her list, the more heated it would get. Each would get more kinky, but they grew closer together as well, both physically and mentally. It's as if underneath both of their skins, their personalities were tuned together from the beginning. They were able to The approach to their relationship was unique and also strangely familiar at the same time.

#4 - Family of Secondary Characters: Like many of Cora's books, she doesn't just let one book end without inviting her previous characters into the next book. That's what I love about her work, she brings out the best in her books when she incorporates all her writing prodigies. We see them as they are but from a different perspective, we see them move on through Rusk and through life. A Family of characters. Much like Jay Crownover's Marked Men series. I met Dallas and Carson once again and for inquiring minds they are as just as in love, probably more so in front of their as All Lined Up. We also see Dylan and Silas which I can only assume are the stars of All Broke Down the sequel. Now after reading this novel I want to know what happened to Stella and how her story will continue.

#5 - Wonderfully Written: Written through dual perspective you really get to see both characters in their own spotlight as well as together. You get to look into their heads, and what Cora does is make you want to fight for the characters, you feel very emotionally involved. I can't fault her writing. She has created something totally different from her Losing It series but this is the book I was waiting for in this series. This was were my expectations exceeded that from her first book that I felt a little disappointed by. This one is a page turner, with all the romantic feels, first-bumps, and toe-curling effects to the novel. It's unputtdownable.

Rating - 5/5 - Well what other rating could I give if Cora Carmack, checked all of my book items....

This review can also be found on my blog