A review by faithd
Test of Endurance by Kora Knight


I had some problems with this...mainly the consent, but also, the characters. As in the first installment, there is no safe word (very strange for someone who supposedly whips people for a living), and Scott was just being really pushy with Tad. Like, at one point he even says something along the lines of "c'mon don't be a pussy..." like this is some kind of PSA on peer pressure from the 80s. It made me just really not like Scott. Meanwhile Tad is a sweet himbo coming to terms with his sexuality, and I liked his character a lot. While he's not perfect, I feel like Tad deserves better than Scott.

In spite of all that, I'm still giving this 4 stars because, I mean, the smut is damn good, and this is "erotica" after all. But I do think having more developed characters (especially in Scott's case), along with actual consent, and safewords, would make this even more erotic.