A review by kellyhager
Pioneer Girl by Bich Minh Nguyen



You remember that fairly recently I mainlined my way through the Little House on the Prairie books which, somehow, I managed to not read as a child. This book managed to bring the delight of that back.

Granted, it's more about Lee's life and family but there are obviously a lot of parts that deal with Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter, Rose. This book is so smart and funny and touching, and I absolutely loved Lee.

I love the idea that you could somehow find a connection in your life to books that are so important to you---and actual connections, not just "Oh, I love this book and this other person loves this book so clearly we are bashert." I mean that you could somehow find an artifact from a book in your own life. But that's like that Cornelia Funke series, right? Inkheart? Well, not in this book.

But, like I said earlier, the thing that makes this book so amazing is the fact that Lee seems like someone we know. She has complicated relationships with her family and isn't entirely sure she's on the right career path. And then she stumbles across this mystery that has a direct connection to her life, and it's like it reinvigorates her.

This book is a perfect surprise in the best way.

Highly recommended.