A review by haletostilinski1
Deal Maker by Lily Morton


5+++++ and beyond stars!


THIS WAS PERFECT! Oh man it was so so so good! I can't asfhaksjfh I stayed up superrr fucking late to finish this because I just could NOT. PUT. iT. DOWN.

I loved this so much, I loved it even more than the first book, which was pretty fucking good. But oh man, this...THIS! <333

From the start I was laughing my ass off, and I continued to laugh frequently throughout the rest of the novel. Jude is so freaking hilarious - the reply letter at the beginning of each chapter were a hilarious treat - but also so fucking sweet and kind and good. SUch. A. SWEETIE PIE! I loved him!

And Asa! After his less-than-desirable first impression, and after it came to light just why he treated Jude the way he did, it was understandable and he apologized to Jude and things got better and ahhhh Asa! He was so kind as well - the way he was with his kid, with his friends, with everyone around him - with Jude. *swoon worthy* and he had his moments of hilarity as well. No wonder Dylan had a crush on him before lol (Asa is a fairly well known actor).

And ahhh! Billy! Asa's 5-year-old kid was the cutest, sweetest, most adorable little guy and the love Jude comes to have for him and the love Billy comes to have for Jude was so freaking sweet. My heart melted the world over when Billy would run to Jude and hold onto him tight.

To see this go from its hilarious beginning to these three becoming a family was awesome, amazing, un-put-downable. I was hooked.

Not that there isn't some angst in this, there is. Jude still has some hang-ups, and Asa does for that matter, and Jude reacts to things out of fear and Asa says some harsh things in his hurt, but things work out for the better and these two work it out and become stronger than ever. With the help of Dylan and Gabe, of all people. But perhaps Gabe is what was needed, seeing as he was scared of having a relationship too in the previous book, like Jude.

And oh man, these two together in the bedroom? DAMN! So fucking hot. Their first sexual encounter, SUPER hot! And their first time, really fucking hot, and ever time after that. Their chemistry was soo good, I loved it.

AHHH! I fucking loved this. Honestly, there are no complaints from me. This had a well crafted plot, page-turning scenes that never once made me wander - I just HAD to know what happened next - with interesting, compelling characters, and with every secondary character being written wonderful as well, an adorable kid you can't but fall in love with, and two MC's who fell deeply in love and which you could feel that coming off the pages, with well crafted chemistry.

We got the sweetness but also the hotness, we got the hilarity but also the angst, we got the love but also the hate - there are a few NOT likable characters in this - and really, we got to see a family form.

My love for this book is big, because it was just *happy sigh* everything you could want from a romance book.

I love love lOVED THIS and cannot wait for Henry's book - I'm excited to see who will capture his heart and hold onto it.

HIGHly, HIGHLY recommend! If you haven't picked this up yet, what are you waiting for?? You won't regret it ;)