A review by gingerellaj
An Ocean of Minutes by Thea Lim


I received this book as an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

Stories featuring pandemics, dystopia and time travel generally pique my interest: this one had it all! Still, I wasn't sure quite what to expect from it, and almost wondered, with the love story mentioned in the synopsis appearing to be at the centre, whether it might be too romantic for my tastes.

Ultimately, it was too much for me but in a different way: it made me cry! Only one other book has had that affect in my adult life (We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler). Why? Quite simply, the ending broke my heart. I'd grown so close to Polly and, through her memories, Frank too. I hadn't realised how gripped by their love story and potential reunion I had become. That's masterful writing, particularly given that I was initially reluctant to engage with anything 'too romantic'. I've seen one review that suggested the writing style was haphazard or a 'brain dump' but I really enjoyed the style of writing, it reminded me of Steve Toltz's A Fraction of the Whole.

Well, I won't say too much more other than I highly recommend it.