A review by eardil
The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber


First I have to say that I liked this book. I'm giving it 3 stars not because it is not good, but because I wouldn't actively recommend it, it is a journey that you have to decide to go to on your own.

I'm not sure if the author is a christian, but the book is not. What I mean by that is that you don't have to be worryied that this book is going to preach to you, which leads me to the part that I liked most about this book. I'm a christian, and for the times we are living it's great to see someone depict christianity as from the inside to "outsiders", the author has a very sober and honest view of christianity.

For example there is a scene at the beginning in which the characters express the responsability of a christian as a conduit for the love of Christ and not about judgement, that the correction of one's actions must be a consecuence of the love of Christ. On one hand they're saying that they must not seek justice and punishment as a way to express christianity, but on the other hand they acknowledge the sinfulness of the actions. And in this respect there are a lot of things that resonatewith at least my view of christianity in a simple, everyday kind of way, all the way to the end of the book.

This is not a feel good book. This is not a judgemental book. This is a story about faith and purpose and the separation from the people you love most, and it feels honest.