A review by antlersantlers
Art Workshops for Children by Hervé Tullet


A very [a:Lynda Barry|11646|Lynda Barry|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1197581544p2/11646.jpg] [b:Syllabus|20613619|Syllabus Notes from an Accidental Professor|Lynda Barry|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1393646674s/20613619.jpg|39894979]-esque book, but geared towards kids. Tullet includes instructions, tips, and variations, plus a kind of script. I'm doing a [b:Press Here|9677870|Press Here|Hervé Tullet|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327934372s/9677870.jpg|14565750]-inspired story time in April, and I wish these activities were more in line with what I want to do! There will always be more programs. These also seem like the kind of activities that might be fun for Emily to use in an art therapy setting.