A review by rschmidt7
Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know about Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong by Eric Barker


Some interesting insights here that are worth considering and could help us think about the reality of relationships rather than being stuck in accepted myths. However, in his reexamining of the myths, the author still falls into platitudes at times, and though there was some practicality, I would have liked more discussion of the practical applicability of these new findings.

I also don't really like the kind of "jokey" voice the author used frequently. Whenever authors do this, the "jokes" are never funny, and I'm just not a fan of that kind of corny verbal irony. Anyway, it's a style; it's just not for me.

Overall, a decent and quick read (I listened to the audiobook) that I would recommend for the interesting insights it makes.