A review by vickylovesreading
Shadowghast by Thomas Taylor


As Ghastly Night approaches, eerie and spooky tales fill Eerie-on-Sea. Legends speak of the Shadowghast, a mysterious shadowy being that eats shadows and shadow puppet shows retell the tale every Ghastly Night. However, that’s not all that’s strange and mysterious this October in Eerie-on-Sea, a stage magician and troupe have arrived and there’s something odd and strangely mesmerising about them. After Herbie begins to see shadows everywhere, it’s down to Violet and Herbie to solve the mystery – is the Shadowghast back and what does he want in Eerie-on-Sea?

I loved both Malamander and Gargantis and delighted in finding nerdy references throughout the tales, revelling in reading the mysterious stories. So I was absolutely delighted to be able to return to Eerie-on-Sea with the much anticipated Shadowghast – I waited anxiously and desperately wanted to be accepted! Thomas Taylor’s writing absolutely draws readers in and makes them feel a part of Herbie’s mysterious journey. From the first page, I was hooked and desperate to know more about Ghastly Night and the Shadowghast – what an opening! And Taylor continues to deliver throughout the tale with strange and creepy mysterious stories hooking the reader left right and centre.

I don’t want to spoil any of the story, but Herbie’s backstory seems to develop (at least a little!) throughout Shadowghast, even though I am still definitely left wanting more! Herbie’s mysterious past starts to unravel a little and the reader is kept guessing and hoping for any tidbit that is thrown! I absolutely love Erwin the cat who remains intriguing, but absolutely a life saver for Herbie and Violet. New addition to the story is the fabulous Calistra, mysterious and magical, and perhaps with her own connection to Herbie and Eerie-on-Sea.

Dark and spooky, Shadowghast is a must read that will delight and intrigue readers. 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Walker Books for providing an e-book review copy.