A review by fareads
Business Casual by B.K. Borison


Why can’t Inglewild be a real place, I want to be on the phone tree! 

I loved being back at Lovelight Farms, it was great to see all the characters we know and love, and to get to know Charlie and Nova more in this book. Charlie is basically just a big golden retriever, totally sweet and loveable. He made this book for me. I really enjoyed the chemistry and banter that Nova and Charlie had, there were some laugh out loud moments as well as some lovely sweet moments too. 

We saw quite a lot of the Porter family, Caleb and a few appearances from Stella, Luca and Layla but I wish we could have seen a bit more of the townsfolk in this one. 

I know this is the final book in the series but I do hope we get to visit Inglewild and the characters again somewhere down the line. 

While I really enjoyed this one, it didn’t replace my current favourites in the series ranking so I’ve settled on a rating of a 3.75⭐️