A review by leighannsherwin
Stacey vs. Claudia by Ann M. Martin


Say it isn't so? Stacey and Claudia are fighting? And over a boy? Who could've seen this coming? Well pretty much anyone really. The two most boy crazy members of the BSC both fall in love with the new boy Jeremy. Stacey already has Ethan so she lets Claudia have him until she and Ethan break up and Jeremy says he really wants to date Stacey not Claudia. Ouch. It was a tough read seeing two good friends torn apart by a guy, but also a tale as old a time. I'm sure I would've been angry if I'd read this as a teen but the adult me was happy that those angst filled times were long gone for me. I am interested in seeing the story from Claudia's side though which is a couple books away. Also Mary Anne hints she's about to dump Logan's ass which is the next book so there's that to look forward too.