A review by breakfastgrey
Ghostlight by Kenneth Oppel


I really enjoyed The Nest so when I saw Oppel had a new horror book coming out, I was excited. I shouldn’t have been. After a solid start, the book gets caught up in the worst case of “the princess is in another castle” syndrome I’ve ever seen. It is twice as long as it needs to be as the Scooby gang explores every Toronto landmark imaginable only to find out that, oh my goodness, the magic thingamabob is actually not there anymore and they now need to go to this landmark instead. Guess what. It won’t be there either. By the end, I just didn’t care anymore especially as the horror tinged tone of the beginning was entirely shed to become run of the mill monster fantasy and the plot holes became so numerous it was amazing someone didn’t twist an ankle in one of them. On a positive note, though, Yuri is a front runner for favorite book character of the year.