A review by sstory
London Bound by Amy Daws


Drama was built up and it wasn’t at all I expected. Leslie was the reason why I read the first two books in the series. Her character was always written as the fun, crazy, and loyal friend anyone would want. I thought the beginning of Leslie and Theo’s relationship was hilarious. I loved how he knew from the first moment that she was “IT” for him. He seemed like a loving a brooding hot man. The drama as to why Leslie didn’t want a relationship, I thought that something horrible happened to her in the past that she was trying to get over. When the real reason as to why Leslie does not want a relationship came out, I was like, that’s it? That’s the reason?

I think the best part of this story was the flashbacks to Leslie arriving in England and the start of her friendship with Frank. I really hope that Frank gets a book eventually.

There are some dark themes in this story, but I do love how Theo was written. I want a Theo.