A review by gabiirayner
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint


I have mixed feelings I think! For the most part this is a gorgeous focus on women in Greek mythology who so often go overlooked or discarded, and I really enjoyed the exploration of motherhood and its various interpretations.

The story does feel a little unguided overall though, relying a bit too much on previous knowledge of myths and figures whilst forgetting to structure a coherent plot narrative in favour of description and characterisation which is a bit of a shame.

I also think there could've been a clearer decision on how dark/mature the book was going to be; in places it is very clean and PG and in others it is incredibly disturbing (That Bit towards the end really turned my stomach and it would've been incredible to have that level of powerful evocation throughout).

HOWEVER I absolutely enjoyed it nonetheless and very very very much appreciate it as a female-centric retelling.