A review by mlhelliwell
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Christopher Vogler


My review of this book is coloured by my expectations - always a dangerous thing. While this was certainly an interesting book, I don't know if was particularly helpful to me as a writer. Maybe it was just too much detail. Too many different potential players/personas to consider when someone is considering a putting together a story.

When I write I start with a germ of an idea, and maybe a few scenes in my head, but I'm not a plotter by nature. I have a background in mythic literature and medieval history - and maybe I've just read enough fairy tales and myths to have some kind of understanding of the bits Vogler painstakingly deconstructs in this book. As a reader, I found it fascinating, but as a writer, I think was a bit overwhelmed by the detail.

I have not read his most recent edition, and I would be tempted to. But as of right now, this is a book I'm happy I've read, but don't feel the need to own. But if you are interested in storytelling in any regard (this book is primarily aimed at scriptwriters) you might want to give it a go.