A review by chaptersbyindia
Folsom by Tarryn Fisher, Willow Aster


FINALLY! After reading a few chapters here and there from several books during this whole quarantine season, I finally found a book that grasped my attention and kept it! I am so excited to tell you all, spoiler free, about how much I loved this book!

“Words are a powerful weapon and they never die.”

So since I wasn’t having luck finding a story I could get into, I decided to search for my favorite author’s (Colleen Hoover) best friend whom I figured had to of been an intriguing author. That’s when I discovered Terryn ‘s book series with another author and that summary engulfed me!

A world where women are the superior and men are almost non-existence in this unique dystopian world created by two authors together... count me in! I knew it had to hold some steamy romance in which it did. But I also connected with the political drama, which I felt personally related too with everything going on in the real world.

It’s literally a fight for truth and that is a great representation of this book. I felt pulled to Gwen’s character and marveled at her witty personality and how she strived to expose the truth at any cost. I wish I could be as brave as Gwen! Of course I loved Folsom’s character as well and wanted nothing more than for his life to get better.

I’m not a big fan of ranchy talk in books and there definitely was some in this story but I just tried to move past it and the lack of details I wish were added to this story. I’m just someone who bailed lots of juicy details describing everything! The lack of them leaves for more imagination I suppose.

Other than that, it was a wild ride in which I am already ready to dive back into with the second book in this series. Definitely recommend this to my friends!

“It was the truth! For the truth to make a difference, it needs to be said by one person at a time, until there's a noise loud enough to make a difference.”