A review by snowcrash
Alliance by S.K. Dunstall


As I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the series, _Linesman_, I was looking forward to the continuation of the story. For me, the authors deliver more of what made the first book a wonderful read.

Ean and Radko are the center, but so does Captain Kari Wang. Her path to self redemption is what much of the story hangs off of & it worked for me. A lot of space opera political intrigue develops, but it doesn't overpower the characters or their interactions.

The best parts are around the exploration of the lines and the alien ships. The ships have sentience, but not in the silicon AI of other sci-fi universes. Ean's abilities border on magical, but if you buy into the idea of line sensitivity, then it all makes sense. His abilities and the resentment of traditional linesmen is the classic conflict of old vs. new way of thinking.

I stayed up late a couple nights to read through this book. It isn't intense thriller type page turning. It is more like a comfortable world that simply flows. Well done characters doing their best for their side. I even understood why the assassin did what he did. ie respect of decisions, even if I didn't like them.

Time to grab the third book.