A review by redheadstorm
Confessions of a Paris Party Girl by Vicki Lesage


Let me tell you a thing or three about my new friend Vicki (granted she knows nothing of this friendship but more about that later). The best way I can describe this book is that it was like reading a long, hilariously intimate email from a close friend. So what happens when a 20-something girl from St. Louis (MISSOURI!) with a basic knowledge of french and a great appetite for adventure decides to move to the city of love (and great English speaking bars apparently), Paris? Well first of all you get a glimpse of the everyday life of the French through the eyes of an outsider, and as a bonus, a colorful cast of characters and loads of 'laugh out loud' moments (am I ever grateful that I read this book in the privacy of my own home).

One of my pet peeves when it comes to "chick-lit", lighter literature and such, is the fact that just because the subject matter is lighter (often more humorous) that often means that the entire focus is on the plot (and even that often leaves a lot to be desired) and not on the writing style and/or quality of writing. You can't imagine my relief when right from the start it was obvious that won't be the case with this book. The fact that I didn't have to stumble over poorly composed sentences meant that I could give my full attention to all of Vicki's adventures and misadventures. Plus, in case I ever decide to move to Paris I will be armed with an impressive knowledge of french bureaucracy (paper, paper and more paper) and great tips on how to handle apartment hunting in the city.

By the time you finish reading this book you too will feel that a) there simply has to be a sequel to this book and b) that Vicki is just another one of your friends. In my case, part 'b' was helped along by Vicki's ("barely noticeable") OCD, (takes one to know one) germophobia, humour and perceptive way of viewing (and describing) people and situations. (well the fact that every once in a while she ends up having just a few too many drinks will have many 20 something relating and many 30 and 40 something reminiscing) Now there's nothing else for me to do but hope and wait for the sequel.