A review by brennieree33
Twisted Love by Ana Huang


"He has a heart of ice... but for her, he'd burn the world."

This was a decent read. I liked the relationship between Alex and Ava and they were pretty cute. Bridget was my fav though to be honest. 

343 pages
Rep: Asian 

- "There were worse things than being stranded in the middle of nowhere during a rainstorm. For example, I could be running from a rabid bear intent on mauling me into the next century. Or I could be tied to a chair in a dark basement and forced to listen to Aqua's 'Barbie Girl' on repeat until I'd rather gnaw off my arm than hear the song's eponymous phrase again." What the fuck that is so random-
- "I hope that stick in your ass punctures a vital organ." I'm keepig that one for future reference lol
- "There should be a Venmo for breasts that allows women to send and recieve cup sizes with the press of a button." Is this book just a collection of random shower thoughts?
- I love that the phrase "beaned" is used unironically in this book like that just shoots happy chemicals through my body
- "Fuck. Me. Sideways. I did not just say that." Also keeping for future reference.
- "I was playing with fire, but hat was better than standing out in the cold alone." That is such a good line.
- I hate how much Ava's vulva is described as her "slippery folds" like please hide this phrase from my brain forever.
- "I was this close to drop-kicking a princess, bodyguard be damned." Best line in the whole book fr.