A review by itsdanielledickson
Cherry Beats by Vicki James


Presley fucking West. Sigh. What have you done to me?! I adore rockstar romance, it makes me feel connected to music in a whole different way. You get to see behind the scenes, the nitty gritty realness, the dirt. This was no exception, I floved it!
I love feeling like I’m reading about real people and Vicki is one of the best at this. She has a gift for words, for feeding the soul with lyrical genius that leaves a feeling of being part of her stories. Of being invested in the characters and their lives. Once you finish a book of hers you take a part of it with you wherever you go, and this one was no different.
People make mistakes, they make rash decisions and sometimes come to regret it, Presley and Tess are prime examples of this. Being young and in love makes our emotions spin out all over the place. Young love is passionate, exciting, but it can also be a scary place to delve into, especially when fame is involved and it feels like you’re not the only two people in the relationship. But when push comes to shove you have to listen to your heart, feel who it’s beating in tandem for, and for Presley West, only Tessa’s heart beat to the rhythm of his.
A huge 10 stars from this YGW fan!