A review by carrieliza
To the End of the Land by David Grossman


Oof. This book is pretty heartbreaking. Slow-going for a little while, but from somewhere in the middle to the end, I read at a fast clip. My feelings about this book are probably as complicated as my feelings about Israel in general.

I do feel a bit...unsatisfied, though. This isn't really a book that ties up loose ends, so there are some plots and characters that I'd like to know more about, or see how they turned out (Ora and Sami, Ora and Ada, Avram and Ofer, Avram and Ilan, the whole world of the IR hospital). But then there's so much that was so wonderful. Ora's grief/fear/worry is so palpable. The Avram/Ilan scenes during the war were wonderful.

But so much of this will stick with me, I think. Especially as I'm prepping to visit Israel in a few months.

And to the previous library patron who circled every typo in the copy I read--ugh. I get it, you're soooooooooooo smart. It's a translation, shit happens. And you missed a few, jerk.