A review by beckys_bookshelves
This Time Around: Three Sweet Romances by Kathleen Fuller, Denise Hunter, Melissa Ferguson


I am a big fan of novellas and This Time Around is a wonderful novella collection. It includes “A Summer Detour” by Denise Hunter, “Pining for You” by Melissa Ferguson, and “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not” by Kathleen Fuller.

Each story has characters who knew each other in the past and have met again as different people in the present. If you have read any of the authors’ other stories you will recognize some characters and settings and feel like you are coming home. If the authors are new to you, I guarantee you will want to find their other books and read more! I found each one charming and loved their small town setting. .

This Time Around has three novellas filled with sweet romance, wonderful characters, and a happily ever-after. I found this the perfect summer time read. Each story is a delight and I highly recommend this book. .

I received this book through the publisher and NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review.