A review by jazzrizz
Air Bound by Christine Feehan

Back to Sea Haven ... it's been a while since I've visited.

This one started out with a bang and was pretty much high octane throughout. Airiana is a highly intelligent air talent. Maxim (who kidnaps to protect her) is also an air talent.

I love how quickly she picks up Maxim's tricks with working with air. Her talent improves immensely over the course of this book.

This one is another reluctant hero, who fights the inevitable. Which makes the realization that he's totally hooked scene so much sweeter.

Another Prakenskii is in Sea Haven ... I think things are heating up to explosive levels. Especially since it appears that the Drake sisters my all be heading back to town.

On to [b: Earth Bound|11690470|Earth Bound|J.A. Taylor|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1317213751s/11690470.jpg|16637155]