A review by stuffhanreads
We Need to Do Something by Max Booth III


Rating: 3 stars

I went into this with zero expectations, i knew nothing about this book or the author, all i knew was that it was a short read and could help me meet my reading goals. it had me in the first half i won’t lie, it was intense, gripping and very terrifying, imagine being stuck in a small room with your family that you barely spend time with. an alcoholic father, an annoying brother and an argumentative mother. I wouldn’t be able to deal with it either.

However, in the second half, i was not enjoying it, introducing Amy in randomly as part of the delusions was confusing, as well as the random tongue Mel managed to snag? Who was that from? Why didn’t we get more context? Then the random snake that kills her brother? Why? I don’t get it. I think it could’ve been better.