A review by angels_gp17
Claimed by her Cougar by Felicity Heaton


Claimed by her Cougar is the fist book in Cougar Creek Mates series by Felicity Heaton. We get to return to one of my favorite universes the Eternal Mates. This story stands on it’s own, so if you have’t read the Eternal Mates series, you are ok to pick this up. It’s a chance to visit a different kind of shifter and see how they deal with the Archangel organization and other things.

Heaton takes us into the lovely Canadian woods with a bunch of cougar shifters who will soon be getting together for the pride gathering.

Rath is battling his cougar nature. It’s that time of year and many of the cougars in his pride will be returning home for the gathering. Rath was a nice character to get to know and we got to see him battling a lot of conflicting feels in this story.

Ivy is a human and stumbles onto Rath’s home while looking for black bears to photograph. She’s hesitant at first; because she’s had her issues with difficult men and doesn’t want to get hurt again. I liked her passion and pride in her photograph work.

Claimed by her Cougar is a quick read. It’s insta-attraction leading into them being mates. The sexual scenes are steamy and we get only one scene with a little conflict. What I loved the most about this story is the detailed description of the scenery in the Canadian woods. It brought nature to life.

I enjoyed Claimed by her Cougar and am looking forward to the others in the series.

Rated: 3 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Felicity Heaton with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.
