A review by tracyreads
Aetherchrist by Kirk Jones


"I watch the channel 12 reruns on my disassembled television....Through a cracked screen, I stare back at myself, wide-eyed, mouth agape."

I had zero expectations when I started this novella. There are just a few words on the back cover, I did not seek out the synopsis, and I read zero reviews. What did I find? An imaginative, inventive, unique sci-fi horror tale that absolutely delighted me. Side note: if you just saw "sci-fi" and went NOPE, trust me, I feel you. I don't normally like it, but I loved this.

Jones takes us on a journey with his main character, Rey. We follow him along, we experience things as he does, and when he is disoriented and confused, so are we. And it WORKS. I've read other things done in this manner, but it is often hard for me to truly follow along. I clicked with this one and it was wonderful.

As far as the content goes? I'll just say it has a bit to do with communications, conspiracy theory, paranoia, and how fragile our precepts of the world around us might be. The details? Those are for you to discover.