A review by elderlingfool
How to Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
This book starts with a woman that tells the reader that she is in prison because of a crime she did not commit even though she did commit others. Then, there are flashbacks about how she murdered every member of her family because of how they treated her mother when she was alive. 
The narrator of the audiobook,  Charly Clive , did an amazing job because her voice kept me engaged for 9 chapters even though I wasn't that much into the story. I don't mind unlikeable characters, except when they are annoying, and this woman was extremely annoying. If you know Amy from "Gone Girl" this one is similar, but way worse because I thought Amy was actually smart and interesting while this one relies mostly on luck and spends pages judging absolutely everyone. On the chapter I gave up she was going on about how she enjoys feminist literature and she was singing her praises to "The Bloody Chamber" by Angela Carter. That was the last drop for me because I hate that book and I hate that people insist it's feminist literature. This makes sense for the character though because in spite of what she says she treats everyone poorly and that includes women. So, she is indeed as feminist as "The Bloody Chamber" collection. I just gave up because my annoyance with this character kept building up. Besides that, there were no surprises up until the chapter where I stopped. She said she killed her family and then proceeds to tell the reader how she did it (and how lucky she was to be surrounded by dumb people that trust strangers too much). 
This book is just not interesting enough for me to continue and I have so many better books waiting for me to read them so I gave up.