A review by katmarhan
Pulse by Jeremy Robinson


[a:Jeremy Robinson|12328|Jeremy Robinson|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1198858200p2/12328.jpg]'s [b:Pulse|7117930|Pulse|Jeremy Robinson|http://www.goodreads.com/images/nocover-60x80.jpg|7378594] is my first encounter with this author, and I will admit that Special Ops adventures are not my usual fare. But Pulse was a quick and action-packed read--I finished it in two sittings!

Part of what attracted me to the story is the science fiction element of an artifact that may endow one with immortality. Another attraction was the connection to ancient Greek history and mythology. And I actually found myself caring about some of the characters. Robinson does a good job of making each member of the Delta team an individual.

There was a bit too much bloody mayhem for my taste, but I found that if I thought of the story as a video game, it was easier for me to swallow.

And the misuse of the word "site" for "sight" (more than once) made me wince and wish for better editing.

All in all, a book I enjoyed more than I expected, but still not something I would normally buy. This was a First Reads win for me.