A review by fallingwings
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne


2.5 stars

I really enjoyed the first 30% - 40% of this book. There's plot, they're on the run, there's suspense and mystery, there are other horrors, etc.

Unfortunately, it waters down into our characters just wandering around, killing parasites, and having sex. The fact they're basically on the run from the military is pretty much forgotten until the very end and then it's only for two or three short chapters sadly. There isn't much world building other than what we get in the beginning. I also found quite a number of things unrealistic (like humanity being in this post apocalyptic setting for twenty years or so and abandoned buildings still have supplies, like canned food, just sitting on shelves).

By the last 20%, I pretty much lost interest in anything happening sadly. Interesting idea and it had a wonderful start, but it fell apart as the book went on.