A review by ehinrichsenjr
Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
Hey, whole thing contains spoilers. You've been warned.

I was enjoying it, honestly, until I noticed the descriptors of the women, and how turned on the main character was the first time he saw the femme-fatale-type character. Then it went downhill. The character's "3edgy5me" personality was grating, but nothing I couldn't overlook for a little. I've read worse. It did drag on me enough, though. The multi-page sex scene where the woman promises to take the main character to her private sex island with multiple copies of herself, and how she has sex hormones installed in her, and yadda yadda yadda... that was the point I remember myself being yanked out of the book. The torture scene later was also gratuitous. I'll spare you that descriptor.

I gave up when, at some point, the chauffeur character returns to threaten the main character, and the main character is describing how, as an "envoy", he's been reassembled to be a killing machine, down to the neuron, and how he had to hold himself back from killing the guy. I realized, in that moment, I'd rather be reading absolutely anything else than this weird "I'm so badass" fantasy. Can't say I didn't genuinely try though.

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