A review by _askthebookbug
The Widow of Wall Street by Randy Susan Meyers


The widow of wall street :) .
“Make sure you choose work that makes you happy”- Randy Susan Meyers. .
Let’s talk about money. How much is really enough? Would you be happy with your average paycheque? If you’re not, would you try to think of something illegal to make millions? Many do, until they get caught. .
This is the story of a criminal who endangers his entire family because of his greed for money. Jake, handsome and every girl’s dream marries his perfect girlfriend Phoebe, already envisioning her to be his trophy wife when he starts making money. He dives into business and builds an empire preferring only the best things for his family. Phoebe, clueless about his affairs and illegal business worships him every minute. Jake gradually gets caught up in a Ponzi scheme and loses everyone’s money. He then goes under an investigation and eventually lands in prison. Will Phoebe stick around till the end with her husband whom she has loved all her life? Or will she cut him loose? This book was a gripping read and also emotionally draining. It talks about relationships between siblings, children and spouse. .
This was my first read by @randysusanmeyersauthor and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It talks about real life problems like greed and illegal systems. A big thank you to the author and publisher for sending me this Kindle version so that I could enjoy and review the book. I’d rate it 4/5. #bookchallenge #56 #bangalorebookblogger #bookreview #wordporn #booknerd #randysusanmeyers #bibliophile