A review by jackiehorne
Heart Search by Robin D. Owens


Interesting to see the dynamic flipped from an earlier book in the series (HEART FATE), with a male who, at 17, married a woman whom he believed was his soulmate, but she turned out not to be. Now he's in his 30s, his wife and father recently dead of illness, and is reluctant to search for the woman he should have bonded with. Destiny keeps throwing her into his path, though, and eventually the two agree to start dating—casually, slowly, an affair only. But of course, heartmates belong together; a late-blooming threat plot throws in a bit of danger, bringing the two together. Was surprised that Camellia wasn't more upset/angry at Laev for messing up and marrying the wrong person, even if it was so long ago...

Wasn't quite sure what Laev's special talent was—making business deals? Camellia doesn't seem to have an artistic flair; her main flair is blending teas, a pretty boring (and quite gendered) talent, to say the least...