A review by rereader33
Kaiju Girl Caramelise, Vol. 2 by Spica Aoki


After reading this volume, I think I've discovered my biggest problem with Spica Aoki as a creator. I fucking LOVE her artwork/art style, but her stories are not that great. Not necessarily bad enough that you want to stop reading, but I can promise you that once I'm done this series, I'm unhauling it because I will NEVER reread it for the story.

The problem with this series is that it is centered around love and not only can I detect NO chemistry between Kuro and Minami, Minami is just SO FUCKING BORING. He's the stereotypical sugary sweet nice guy who only does nice things, even when he's being proactive. And let me tell you, if there's one trope more boring than the Gary Stu, it's the Overly Nice Guy. It's hard for me to root for these two, and by extension their relationship, when one half is unfathomably boring and generic. I still love Kuro, but even she falls victim to the most dreaded trope of all (probably)-the Changes for a Guy trope. Honestly, I'm not too upset about this because I totally saw it coming, but I feel the need to mention it.

I don't have it in me to be mad considering I saw all of this coming a mile away, but it is disappointing because I love the artwork/ art style SO DAMN MUCH, but I am not invested in the story or the relationship at all. I'm probably going to keep reading, assuming it's going to be a short series, but I'm not keeping it afterwards. This isn't the worst series and I still think it's worth picking up purely for the artwork, but I can't recommend it for the romance. There's way better out there for that.