A review by thebookhaze
Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han, Siobhan Vivian


I love/HATE this book!

I love most of the book. I HATE the stupid ending. It was rushed, lazy, convenient, and it doesn't make sense AT ALL!

I HATE the ending with a passion because I love most of the book so much! I was invested in it. There were parts in the book that didn't make sense, but I could take them, you know, suspend my belief and forgive the little inconsistencies. But the ending is crap.

Don't get me wrong; I can accept what happens in the ending *if* there was a buildup or explanation to it, but there wasn't. There wasn't any closure, and *that* is the most important thing! It's like after everything they went through, everything they worked for was just disregarded, just like that. It's so incredibly disappointing.

I love Jenny Han, but I'm so angry with her and Siobhan Vivian for the ending. They have a responsibility as authors to their characters! These characters are real! You gave them life, you gave them personalities, feelings, problems, things that they care about! You can't just disregard it all and conveniently tie up all loose ends in a way that don't make sense at all.

You come so far, worked so hard, written so much, invested so much into your books and your characters, and then you just ruin the WHOLE SERIES with a lousy few pages of words as your ending?! Have you no pride in your work?!

This is one of those times I felt like throwing the book across the room, and I totally would've if I wasn't reading it as an audiobook on my phone!