A review by truebookaddict
Death of a Dishonorable Gentleman by Tessa Arlen


What a delight this book was! It's Downton Abbey meets Miss Marple, for lack of a better comparison. Clearly, Lady Montfort is no Miss Marple. However, the tone of the book and the mystery, plus the partnership of Lady Montfort and Mrs. Jackson, hearkens to Miss Marple's methods of solving a mystery, or perhaps Sherlock and Dr. Watson's. I like historical mysteries like this, where everyone is a suspect, and the reader is kept guessing until the end. I really did not suspect who the murderer turned out to be at all.

Mystery aside, I was impressed with the author's authenticity for the time period and the ins and outs of the upstairs/downstairs culture. While it was refreshing that Lady Montfort would co-conspire with her housekeeper to solve the murder, the discomfort Mrs. Jackson first felt from the overstepping of the boundary between servant and mistress was palpable. Fortunately, discomfort is soon swept aside for some top notch sleuthing, especially on Mrs. Jackson's part, and we have the makings of a first class mystery solving duo. I wonder what mystery they will solve in the next book? I can't wait to find out.

If you're a fan of mysteries along the lines of Agatha Christie, or perhaps P.D. James, and also a fan of Downton Abbey, you will especially like this book. Truly a great debut novel. I look forward to the continuation of the series.