A review by butcept
The False Mirror by Charles Todd


This book came to me from the Wake County Library. I had recently signed up for e-mail from the library and one of the first received was a list of books for different genres. The synopsis seemed interesting so I decided to reserve it and received it fairly quickly, despite being alerted that I was number seven in the waiting list queue.

The book is not a typical novel for me to read. It was set post-WWI with British characters.

Apparently, the main character, Inspector Ian Rutledge, is part of a series of novels by this author. I discover that Ian Rutledge was a commander in the war, who killed one of his own men (I never really figured out if he was ordered to, or he thought he needed to) who now 'exists' inside of his head. Hamis is his name, so he 'talks' to Ian Rutledge. This was odd, but I got used to it.

The story is set in a small coastal town where someone ends up missing. It's a mystery that brings Inspector Ian Rutledge to the town to solve.

The book was pretty big. It was offered for checkout for one week, so it is one of the new releases. I didn't like it. The writing, to me, was trying too hard to be of a literary form. The story was intriguing, but not a page-turner. I'm glad I read it mainly because it was a different type of book for me to read, but I wouldn't recommend it, nor would I probably read another one of this in its series.

I rate it as OKAY.